Antologier & sagaer
1 483 produkter
403 kr
torsdag, 2 jan.The Idea of Israel in Second Temple Judaism
570 kr
onsdag, 8 jan."And You Shall Tell Your Son"
263 kr
onsdag, 8 jan.Studiebok till campus kabbala
257 kr
mandag, 6 jan.The Jewish Family
510 kr
torsdag, 16 jan.The Book of Esther between Judaism and Christianity
1 541 kr
torsdag, 16 jan.Mose und das Volk Israel
379 kr
torsdag, 2 jan.The Cambridge Genizah Collections
647 kr
torsdag, 16 jan.Israel
261 kr
torsdag, 30 jan.Judaism and the Economy
2 009 kr
mandag, 6 jan.Salamone Rossi
1 107 kr
mandag, 6 jan.The Japanese Talmud
401 kr
mandag, 6 jan.The Origins of Israeli Mythology
1 107 kr
torsdag, 23 jan.Jewish Philosophy and Western Culture
1 557 kr
mandag, 6 jan.The Cambridge Companion to Judaism and Law
490 kr
onsdag, 8 jan.An Introduction to Jewish-Christian Relations
419 kr
mandag, 6 jan.The Jewish Dietary Laws in the Ancient World
391 kr
torsdag, 16 jan.Matthew and the Mishnah
2 429 kr
mandag, 6 jan.Antisemitism
187 kr
torsdag, 2 jan.Bilder aus dem jüdischen Familienleben
375 kr
mandag, 6 jan.The Books of Ruth, Esther, Ecclesiastes, The Song of Songs, Lamentations: The Five Scrolls
376 kr
torsdag, 16 jan.Die Erzählungen der Chassidim
362 kr
torsdag, 2 jan.The Origin of Evil Spirits
1 315 kr
mandag, 6 jan.Judaism and Modernization on the Religious Kibbutz
510 kr
torsdag, 16 jan.Luke-Acts and Jewish Historiography
1 915 kr
mandag, 6 jan.Lamentations
332 kr
mandag, 6 jan.Ihr sollt den Fremden lieben
270 kr
torsdag, 2 jan.Jewish Communities in Asia Minor
1 675 kr
torsdag, 16 jan.Listening for God in Torah and Creation
384 kr
mandag, 6 jan.Against the Gods
272 kr
torsdag, 2 jan.Kabbalah for Beginners
196 kr
torsdag, 2 jan.The Parables and Similes of the Rabbis
356 kr
torsdag, 16 jan.Zionism’s Redemptions
1 167 kr
torsdag, 23 jan.Creation and Re-Creation in Jewish Thought
4 607 kr
mandag, 6 jan.God's Body
541 kr
torsdag, 2 jan.Jewish Contiguities and the Soundtrack of Israeli History
939 kr
torsdag, 16 jan.The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture III
2 771 kr
mandag, 6 jan.Antisemitismus
165 kr
torsdag, 2 jan.Jossel Rakovers samtal med Gud
188 kr
mandag, 30 des.The Chosen
186 kr
mandag, 6 jan.Handbuch Alttestamentliche Anthropologie
1 725 kr
mandag, 6 jan.Theologies of Human Agency
1 150 kr
mandag, 6 jan.The Kuzari and the Shaping of Jewish Identity, 1167–1900
679 kr
torsdag, 2 jan.German Jews and the Persistence of Jewish Identity in Conversion
1 219 kr
torsdag, 2 jan.A History of the Jewish People
314 kr
torsdag, 2 jan.An Introduction to Jewish Law
433 kr
torsdag, 16 jan.Rabbinic Parodies of Jewish and Christian Literature
2 194 kr
mandag, 6 jan.Onkel Sam eller onkel Judas
232 kr
mandag, 6 jan.