Søm & tekstiler
2 148 produkter
Klimatmål, utsläppshandel och svensk ekonomi
283 kr
mandag, 24 mars- CSBOOKS
Nationaløkonomi på dansk | Christensen, m.fl. | Språk: Dansk
749 kr
torsdag, 20 mars The Economics and Political Economy of Energy Subsidies
531 kr
tirsdag, 25 marsFlyget och företagen
231 kr
mandag, 24 marsLokal beskattning och ekonomiska incitament
276 kr
mandag, 31 marsChina's Dilemma
477 kr
torsdag, 27 marsEconomic Growth and Income Distribution in the Development of China’s Dual Economy
2 471 kr
torsdag, 27 marsAccidental Gamblers
1 779 kr
torsdag, 27 marsEmpirical Studies in Institutional Change
437 kr
torsdag, 27 marsFo¨rso¨k till en statsekonomisk statistik o¨fver Sverige. (Den statsekonomiska afdelningen af C. A. Agardh, den statistiska af C. E. Ljungberg.).
496 kr
torsdag, 27 marsGame-Theoretic Models of Bargaining
625 kr
torsdag, 27 marsRuins to Riches
460 kr
tirsdag, 8 aprilInternational Economic Relations since 1945
559 kr
tirsdag, 25 marsMarkedsøkonomiens utvikling
745 kr
fredag, 21 marsEconomic Analysis, Moral Philosophy and Public Policy
1 131 kr
mandag, 31 marsThe Foundations of Worldwide Economic Integration
470 kr
tirsdag, 8 aprilThe Political Economy of Universal Healthcare in Africa
2 165 kr
mandag, 31 mars- CSBOOKS
Den offentlige sektor | Thomas Larsen og Niels Jørgen Mau Pedersen | Språk: Dansk
694 kr
torsdag, 20 mars Usannsynlig rik
254 kr
torsdag, 20 marsRegulation and the Revolution in United States Farm Productivity
500 kr
tirsdag, 15 aprilPublic-Private Dialogs to Spur Export-led Growth
294 kr
20. mars 2025Handbook of Development Economics
1 553 kr
mandag, 31 marsCollective Choice and Social Welfare
252 kr
torsdag, 27 marsTaxation
203 kr
torsdag, 20 marsThe Invisible Hand?
503 kr
fredag, 21 marsThe Price of Inequality
252 kr
torsdag, 27 marsThe Macro Economy Today
1 861 kr
torsdag, 27 marsComputable General Equilibrium Approaches In Urban And Regional Policy Studies
2 040 kr
torsdag, 27 marsLabour Market Institutions and Productivity
665 kr
torsdag, 27 marsJapanese Economic Development
739 kr
torsdag, 27 marsWorld Inflation since 1950
425 kr
tirsdag, 8 aprilFinancialisation and Poverty Alleviation in Ghana
465 kr
mandag, 31 marsBalanced, Sustainable And Competitiveness Enhancement Study For Vietnam: A Critical Evaluation With Development Potentials
1 892 kr
mandag, 31 marsFiscal Challenges
623 kr
tirsdag, 8 aprilMikroøkonomi på norsk
708 kr
tirsdag, 25 marsThe WTO and Economic Development
873 kr
tirsdag, 25 marsEconomic Role of Transport Infrastructure
1 344 kr
mandag, 31 marsPublic-Private Dialogs to Spur Export-led Growth
822 kr
20. mars 2025International Economics, Global Edition -- MyLab Economics with Pearson eText
690 kr
torsdag, 20 marsFoundations of Modern Macroeconomics
1 022 kr
tirsdag, 25 marsAdvances in Econometrics: Volume 1
830 kr
mandag, 31 marsComputational Macroeconomics for the Open Economy
745 kr
tirsdag, 25 marsHva skal vi leve av etter oljen?
376 kr
tirsdag, 25 marsNew Dimensions in Regional Integration
620 kr
torsdag, 27 marsThe COVID-19 Pandemic, India and the World
588 kr
torsdag, 27 marsMacroeconomics, Global Edition
1 083 kr
torsdag, 20 marsLectures on Public Economics
845 kr
tirsdag, 25 marsDeveloping China's Green Trade
1 657 kr
tirsdag, 8 april