Søm & tekstiler
2 455 produkter
China's Monetary Challenges
405 kr
fredag, 24 jan.Environmental Economics
699 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.21st Century Economics: A Reference Handbook
6 226 kr
fredag, 3 jan.The Wisdom of the Wise
432 kr
fredag, 17 jan.Religion and the Rise of Capitalism
383 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.Bayesian Estimation of DSGE Models
696 kr
fredag, 3 jan.Fixed Ideas of Money
1 197 kr
fredag, 17 jan.Central Bank Independence and the Legacy of the German Past
1 615 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.Risk and the Rupee in Pakistan's New Economy
1 167 kr
fredag, 24 jan.EMU at Ten : should Denmark, Sweden and the UK join?
336 kr
torsdag, 2 jan.Handbook of International Economics
1 488 kr
torsdag, 9 jan.Nerväxt
248 kr
mandag, 30 des.Microeconomics
960 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.The New Macroeconomics
481 kr
fredag, 24 jan.Small States: Economic Review and Basic Statistics, Volume 14
708 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.Förstå nationalekonomi
375 kr
mandag, 30 des.Fiscal Challenges
1 287 kr
fredag, 17 jan.Trade Warriors
719 kr
fredag, 17 jan.The Economics of the Middle East
550 kr
fredag, 3 jan.The Egyptian Economy in the Twenty-first Century
1 224 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.Naturressursenes økonomi
652 kr
mandag, 30 des.Renaissance in Behavioral Economics
2 227 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.Kansojen varallisuus
424 kr
fredag, 27 des.China's Public Finance
476 kr
fredag, 24 jan.Paying for the Liberal State
510 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.The Growth of the Italian Economy, 1820–1960
576 kr
fredag, 24 jan.Rival States, Rival Firms
466 kr
fredag, 24 jan.Fiscal Stress in Cities
421 kr
fredag, 17 jan.Handbook of International Economics
1 592 kr
torsdag, 9 jan.Mauritius: A successful Small Island Developing State
1 915 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.Economic Development and Transition
824 kr
fredag, 24 jan.The General Theory of Transformational Growth
630 kr
fredag, 24 jan.Economics in Three Lessons and One Hundred Economics Laws
213 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.The Tenure of Agricultural Land
310 kr
fredag, 17 jan.Beyond Microfoundations
1 466 kr
fredag, 17 jan.Macroeconomics of Climate Change in a Dualistic Economy
1 086 kr
torsdag, 9 jan.Handbook of Defense Economics
1 540 kr
torsdag, 9 jan.IBSS: Economics: 1990 Vol 39
8 044 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.Macroeconomic Policy after the Conservative Era
540 kr
torsdag, 9 jan.Macroeconomics
864 kr
fredag, 3 jan.Modern Civilization in Some of its Economic Aspects
417 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.Unveiling the North Korean Economy
456 kr
fredag, 24 jan.Economic Politics
405 kr
fredag, 24 jan.Employment and Development
1 492 kr
fredag, 17 jan.Open Economy Macroeconomics
1 303 kr
fredag, 3 jan.Economics: The Original 1948 Edition
932 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.Institutional Reform for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
314 kr
fredag, 3 jan.Beyond Tradeoffs
321 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.