Søm & tekstiler
2 455 produkter
Transition Economies
614 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.Dynamiska innovationssystem i Norden? : Danmark, Finland, Island, Norge & Sverige
452 kr
torsdag, 2 jan.Economic Development in Modern China Since 1949
2 015 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.The Spanish Economy
319 kr
torsdag, 9 jan.Theory of Production
775 kr
fredag, 17 jan.European Competitiveness
1 541 kr
fredag, 17 jan.Dynamic Issues in Commercial Policy Analysis
600 kr
fredag, 17 jan.Kustannuskilpailukyky kasvumenestyksen ehtona
340 kr
fredag, 31 jan.Internationell ekonomi
607 kr
mandag, 30 des.The Delusions of Economics
332 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.Hungary: Towards a Market Economy
1 690 kr
fredag, 17 jan.Vaurastumisen vuodet
341 kr
torsdag, 2 jan.Handel Und Gewerbe Des Konigreichs Westphalen Im Zeichen Des Systeme Continental: Wirtschafts- Und Zollreformen, Staatliche Gewerbeforderung Und Regul
1 104 kr
fredag, 3 jan.An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Europe
1 357 kr
fredag, 24 jan.Saving and the Accumulation of Wealth
1 690 kr
fredag, 17 jan.Central Banking in the Twentieth Century
1 645 kr
fredag, 17 jan.Understanding Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century
599 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.- CSBOOKS
Mikroøkonomi - teori og beskrivelse | Henrik Grell;Elsebeth Rygner | Språk: Dansk
972 kr
fredag, 27 des. The unity of the capitalist economy and state
838 kr
Tidligere laveste pris:
842 kr
fredag, 3 jan.Macroeconomic Policy Analysis
973 kr
fredag, 24 jan.The Cost Disease
374 kr
Tidligere laveste pris:
377 kr
fredag, 3 jan.Exchange Rate Policy and Interdependence
600 kr
fredag, 17 jan.The International Cotton Trade
2 071 kr
torsdag, 9 jan.Employment, Hours, and Earnings 2018
1 501 kr
fredag, 3 jan.Economics For Today
1 392 kr
fredag, 17 jan.The Transition to the Market Economy
14 135 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.Global økonomi
339 kr
mandag, 30 des.Can We Avoid Another Financial Crisis?
194 kr
fredag, 3 jan.Capital Mobility
600 kr
fredag, 17 jan.Fo¨rso¨k till en statsekonomisk statistik o¨fver Sverige. (Den statsekonomiska afdelningen af C. A. Agardh, den statistiska af C. E. Ljungberg.).
366 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.Microeconomic Theory
2 056 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.Negotiation and the Global Information Economy
451 kr
fredag, 24 jan.International Economics and Business
680 kr
torsdag, 9 jan.Towards an Economics of Natural Equals
1 541 kr
torsdag, 9 jan.Capitalism in America: An Economic History of the United States
244 kr
fredag, 3 jan.Grundfragen der Wirtschaftspolitik
301 kr
fredag, 3 jan.Merging Interests
1 301 kr
fredag, 17 jan.Re-Inventing Africa's Development
316 kr
fredag, 3 jan.A Treatise on the Industry of Nations
631 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.British Economic Performance 1945–1975
690 kr
fredag, 17 jan.The Theory of Economic Policy in a Strategic Context
1 242 kr
torsdag, 9 jan.How to Write about Economics and Public Policy
826 kr
torsdag, 9 jan.International Tax Policy
510 kr
fredag, 17 jan.Resource And Environmental Economics: Modern Issues And Applications
1 891 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.An Introduction to Energy Economics and Policy
376 kr
fredag, 17 jan.The Laws and Economics of Confucianism
1 600 kr
fredag, 17 jan.The Generation of Business Fluctuations
667 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.Principles of Macroeconomics
1 846 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.