5 290 produkter
Experiential Therapies for Eating Disorders
912 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
662 kr
tirsdag, 4 feb.Criminal Psychology in Action
506 kr
tirsdag, 4 feb.- Csbooks
Forstå demens | Laila Øksnebjerg;Steen Gregers Hasselbalch;Annette Lolk;Birgitte Vølund;Poul Videbech;Peter Roos;Anne-Mette Guldberg;Jette Stokholm P
846 kr
torsdag, 30 jan. Psychology without Foundations
2 311 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.Handbook of PTSD, Third Edition
1 565 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.The Four Domains of Mental Illness
761 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.Critical Psychology
874 kr
tirsdag, 4 feb.Freud's Argument for the Oedipus Complex
508 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.The Complete Companions for AQA Fourth Edition: 16-18: AQA Psychology A Level: Paper 3 Exam Workbook: Schizophrenia
127 kr
tirsdag, 4 feb.Psychoanalysis, the Self, and the World
1 774 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.The Plural Turn in Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies
605 kr
tirsdag, 4 feb.Rix's Expert Psychiatric Evidence
1 065 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.Reflective Practice in Mental Health
475 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.The Self in Understanding and Treating Psychological Disorders
1 005 kr
mandag, 10 feb.Neuronal and Synaptic Dysfunction in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability
1 287 kr
mandag, 10 feb.Understanding Psychosis
563 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.Doing Triangulation and Mixed Methods
570 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.Psychoanalysis After Freud
508 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.Dementia and Psychotherapy Reconsidered
425 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.Doing Hermeneutic Phenomenological Research
1 759 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.Dream, Phantasy and Art
619 kr
tirsdag, 4 feb.Psychoneuroimmunology, An Issue of Immunology and Allergy Clinics
892 kr
mandag, 10 feb.Controversies in Analytical Psychology
1 558 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.The Marquis de Puységur, Artificial Somnambulism, and the Discovery of the Unconscious Mind
577 kr
tirsdag, 4 feb.The SAGE Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology
6 582 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.The Neuroscience of Traumatic Brain Injury
5 415 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.Psychology of Eating
732 kr
tirsdag, 4 feb.A Couple State of Mind
1 846 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.Psychoanalytische Traumdeutung
299 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.Psychology of Terrorists
2 040 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.Neurosurgical Management of Psychiatric Disorders, Part B
2 696 kr
mandag, 10 feb.Mentalizing in Psychodynamic and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
534 kr
tirsdag, 4 feb.The Exceptional Potential of General Practice
566 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.Meaning, Medicine and the 'Placebo Effect'
394 kr
mandag, 10 feb.Aufteilung der endogenen Psychosen und ihre differenzierte Ätiologie
1 336 kr
tirsdag, 4 feb.The Scientific Status of Psychoanalysis
508 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.Psychopharmacology of Neurologic Disease
3 093 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.Grief Work in Addictions Counseling
508 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.Psykoanalytisk diagnostikk
630 kr
Tidligere laveste pris:
778 kr
fredag, 31 jan.Active Imagination in Theory, Practice and Training
506 kr
tirsdag, 4 feb.Pathology of Sharp Force Trauma
1 891 kr
tirsdag, 4 feb.Therapy with Dreams and Nightmares
628 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.Delivering CBT for Insomnia in Psychosis
579 kr
torsdag, 6 feb.Psychological Debriefing
1 362 kr
mandag, 10 feb.Human Factors and Aerospace Safety
520 kr
tirsdag, 4 feb.1157 avhandlingar inom psykiatrin i Sverige 1858 - 2012
338 kr
mandag, 10 feb.Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology
838 kr
tirsdag, 4 feb.