Religion & filosofi
2 395 produkter
Advanced Geodynamics
789 kr
fredag, 21 marsDyke Swarms - Time Markers of Crustal Evolution
2 982 kr
fredag, 28 marsRemote Sensing and GIS Accuracy Assessment
3 310 kr
fredag, 28 marsEssentials of Flow Assurance Solids in Oil and Gas Operations
2 057 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilOxford Reading Tree TreeTops inFact: Level 11: Secret Life of Rocks
191 kr
onsdag, 26 marsPrinciples of Dielectric Logging Theory
1 543 kr
tirsdag, 1 april- -1 %
The Glorious Geology of Iceland's Golden Circle
524 kr
Tidligere laveste pris:
531 kr
onsdag, 26 mars - -2 %
Lebensspuren im Stein
367 kr
Tidligere laveste pris:
374 kr
onsdag, 26 mars Groundwater Lowering in Construction
2 194 kr
onsdag, 26 marsNotes from Deep Time
214 kr
fredag, 28 mars- -1 %
Der Aufstieg von Erde und Menschheit
183 kr
Tidligere laveste pris:
185 kr
onsdag, 26 mars - -2 %
Über den Vulkan von Santorin und die Eruption von 1866
373 kr
Tidligere laveste pris:
381 kr
fredag, 28 mars Passive Seismic Monitoring of Induced Seismicity
1 040 kr
fredag, 28 marsPalaeoecology of Africa, volume 15
2 865 kr
fredag, 28 marsMinerals
1 581 kr
onsdag, 16 aprilGeotechnical Modelling
910 kr
onsdag, 26 marsMachine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences
2 186 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilHydraulic Fracturing Explained
1 800 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilNumerical Models in Geomechanics
1 975 kr
fredag, 28 marsMeteorite Craters and Impact Structures of the Earth
506 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilSedimentary Rocks in the Field
760 kr
fredag, 28 marsShale Oil Production Processes
370 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilIntroduction to Volcanic Seismology
1 671 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilCoal
6 041 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilEastern England from the Tees to the Wash
155 kr
onsdag, 26 marsThe Crato Fossil Beds of Brazil
1 115 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilBergtatt
254 kr
mandag, 24 marsCreating Spatial Information Infrastructures
2 750 kr
fredag, 28 marsEarth's Deep History
401 kr
onsdag, 26 marsPractical Wellbore Hydraulics and Hole Cleaning
1 723 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilThe Dynamics of Coastal Models
1 263 kr
onsdag, 16 aprilIncorporating Research into Undergraduate Paleontology Courses
332 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilAdvanced Soil Mechanics, Fifth Edition
1 951 kr
fredag, 28 marsSandstone Landforms
1 678 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilGeos 2 (LOPS21)
585 kr
onsdag, 26 marsCharles Darwin as Geologist
308 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilThe TEX86 Paleotemperature Proxy
290 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilGeochemistry of Earth Surface Systems
1 066 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilElectronic Structure and Surfaces of Sulfide Minerals
1 723 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilReversals of the Earth's Magnetic Field
729 kr
onsdag, 16 aprilHandbook of Geotechnical Investigation and Design Tables
1 545 kr
fredag, 28 marsBig Picture: Extreme Earth
176 kr
fredag, 28 marsPrediction And Performance In Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
2 750 kr
fredag, 28 marsSandy Beach Morphodynamics
1 839 kr
tirsdag, 1 april- -1 %
Mineral Resource Estimation
1 183 kr
Tidligere laveste pris:
1 201 kr
onsdag, 26 mars Geospatial Intelligence
1 737 kr
fredag, 28 marsThe Physical Oceanography of the Arctic Mediterranean Sea
1 877 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilPrinciples of the Gravitational Method
1 890 kr
tirsdag, 1 april