Religion & filosofi
2 399 produkter
Early Miocene Paleobiology in Patagonia
784 kr
fredag, 28 marsFractal Models in Exploration Geophysics
1 530 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilGround Freezing
4 498 kr
fredag, 28 marsWell Test Analysis
2 379 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilEarth Clock
277 kr
fredag, 28 mars- CSBOOKS
Jordskælv | Per Straarup Søndergaard | Språk: Dansk
585 kr
fredag, 21 mars The Seismic Wavefield: Volume 1, Introduction and Theoretical Development
982 kr
onsdag, 16 april- -2 %
Statische Untersuchung von Bogen- und Wölbtragwerken
299 kr
Tidligere laveste pris:
304 kr
fredag, 28 mars Meteoriitti
491 kr
tirsdag, 25 marsThrustbelts
1 055 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilSeismic Ray Theory
2 049 kr
onsdag, 9 aprilUnderstanding Data Analytics and Predictive Modelling in the Oil and Gas Industry
1 435 kr
onsdag, 26 mars- -1 %
Die Schwäbische Alb und ihr Vorland
321 kr
Tidligere laveste pris:
325 kr
onsdag, 26 mars Weak Rock - Soft, Fractured and Weathered Rock, Vol. 1
4 349 kr
fredag, 28 marsRockslides and Rock Avalanches of Central Asia
1 839 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilThe Indian Ocean Nodule Field
2 636 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilRemote Sensing for Geoscientists
2 828 kr
fredag, 28 marsLithium Isotopes
290 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilGeologica : krafterna som formar vår jord
336 kr
tirsdag, 25 marsHillslope Hydrology and Stability
968 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilRock Dynamics
2 596 kr
fredag, 28 marsTransmission Electron Microscopy of Minerals and Rocks
848 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilLandslide Hazards, Risks, and Disasters
1 285 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilNatural and Engineered Clay Barriers
1 620 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilGlacially-Triggered Faulting
1 456 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilIsle of Wight
290 kr
onsdag, 26 marsIntroduction to the Physics of Cohesive Sediment Dynamics in the Marine Environment
1 890 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilSoils Under Cyclic and Transient Loading, volume 2
5 982 kr
fredag, 28 marsThe Physics of Rock Failure and Earthquakes
558 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilGeomechanical Modelling in Engineering Practice
5 069 kr
fredag, 28 marsPractical Petroleum Geochemistry for Exploration and Production
1 581 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilExploring Space, Exploring Earth
1 720 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilThe Jurassic of the Circum-Pacific
1 322 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilFakta om tsunamier
238 kr
mandag, 24 marsAt the Foot of the Himalayas
1 628 kr
Tidligere laveste pris:
1 630 kr
onsdag, 26 marsDeformation of soils and displacements of structures, volume 3
5 069 kr
fredag, 28 marsThe Magnetic Field of the Earth's Lithosphere
1 322 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilThe Basics of Geomorphology
1 450 kr
fredag, 28 marsGeomorphology in the Anthropocene
952 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilLife at Extremes: Underground
176 kr
fredag, 28 marsGeneral Geocryology
1 307 kr
onsdag, 16 aprilTaking the Temperature of the Earth
1 543 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilGeophysical Continua
544 kr
fredag, 28 marsSoil Classification
2 676 kr
fredag, 28 marsHydroclimatology
628 kr
onsdag, 9 aprilPiezocone and Cone Penetration Test (CPTu and CPT) Applications in Foundation Engineering
1 993 kr
tirsdag, 1 aprilPractical Engineering Geology
1 186 kr
onsdag, 26 mars- -2 %
774 kr
Tidligere laveste pris:
791 kr
onsdag, 26 mars