12 860 produkter
Inequality, Grievances, and Civil War
394 kr
onsdag, 22 jan.Syria
422 kr
fredag, 10 jan.Corporate Welfare
2 042 kr
fredag, 10 jan.Att styra genom känslor : regeringskonst i tre gustavianska projekt
205 kr
tirsdag, 14 jan.Fascism, Populism and American Democracy
609 kr
fredag, 10 jan.Stasi : Östtysklands hemliga polis, 1945-1990
116 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.Authoritarian States: IB History Print and Online Pack: Oxford IB Diploma Programme
1 048 kr
onsdag, 8 jan.Oxford IB Diploma Programme: Authoritarian States Course Companion
608 kr
onsdag, 8 jan.Kommun i utveckling : en annorlunda lärobok i kommunalkunskap
187 kr
mandag, 6 jan.Breakthrough 2.0: Singaporeans Push For Parliamentary Democracy
672 kr
fredag, 10 jan.Human Rights in the United States
1 141 kr
onsdag, 22 jan.Boundaries and Secession in Africa and International Law
1 566 kr
onsdag, 22 jan.The Sexual State
1 327 kr
fredag, 10 jan.Third Parties, Outsiders, and Renegades
1 224 kr
fredag, 10 jan.Collective Action and Political Transformations
1 539 kr
fredag, 10 jan.Perspectives on International Security
408 kr
fredag, 10 jan.European Constitutional Courts and Transitions to Democracy
1 566 kr
tirsdag, 14 jan.Internationale Politik verstehen
374 kr
onsdag, 8 jan.Democratic Theory and Causal Methodology in Comparative Politics
339 kr
onsdag, 29 jan.Offentlighet i det digitala samhället : vidareutnyttjande, sekretess och dataskydd
754 kr
tirsdag, 7 jan.Strategically Created Treaty Conflicts and the Politics of International Law
1 414 kr
onsdag, 22 jan.Patterns of Anti-Democratic Thought
1 124 kr
onsdag, 8 jan.The Post Cold War World
609 kr
fredag, 10 jan.Legitimacy, Peace Operations and Global-Regional Security
2 071 kr
onsdag, 8 jan.Socialist Imaginations
2 042 kr
fredag, 10 jan.Anti-Intellectualism in American Life
355 kr
tirsdag, 14 jan.The Future Of Democratic Equality
727 kr
fredag, 10 jan.Internationella relationer
558 kr
mandag, 6 jan.Valuing Bureaucracy
382 kr
tirsdag, 14 jan.Elitisme på norsk
433 kr
fredag, 10 jan.Regime Support Beyond the Balance Sheet
518 kr
fredag, 10 jan.Routledge Handbook of Psychoanalytic Political Theory
3 073 kr
fredag, 10 jan.Post-Communist Democratization
458 kr
onsdag, 29 jan.Zhao Ziyang and China's Political Future
2 190 kr
fredag, 10 jan.State and Religion
2 042 kr
fredag, 10 jan.Political Realism in Apocalyptic Times
1 414 kr
onsdag, 22 jan.The Quest for Universal Social Policy in the South
518 kr
onsdag, 22 jan.State Ocean Jurisdiction
2 175 kr
onsdag, 8 jan.Collective Preference and Choice
913 kr
tirsdag, 14 jan.Erik Rasmussen
244 kr
onsdag, 8 jan.Democracies
1 368 kr
onsdag, 8 jan.Experiments in Public Management Research
614 kr
tirsdag, 14 jan.China and the World
446 kr
onsdag, 8 jan.Tax Law and Social Norms in Mandatory Palestine and Israel
1 749 kr
onsdag, 22 jan.Building the Bloc
1 490 kr
tirsdag, 14 jan.International Organizations before National Courts
867 kr
onsdag, 22 jan.Cambridge Handbook of Experimental Political Science
628 kr
fredag, 10 jan.Voting for Autocracy
1 414 kr
onsdag, 22 jan.